Club Coaching Course

by admin on June 26, 2014


Thank you for your patience with regards to the subject


Please be aware that while I am a supporter of ‘technical
courses’ (Coach + Umpire education) being offered in all sports, the lack of
qualified presenters in Tasmania have made things difficult. The requirements
imposed by the Australian Sports Commission (and endorsed by BA and BTAS) with
regards to presenting these courses have somewhat hamstrung any ‘forward
movement’ in this area.


An absolute requirement is that Bowls Tasmania need multiple
Presenters to deliver these courses. As we move towards 2015, it is our intent
to ONLY use qualified Presenters to deliver all courses. Unfortunately,
accrediting new Presenters (or indeed retraining any current one’s) isn’t an
overnight process, and has therefore made BTAS appear a bit dormant during this
transitional phase.


Prior to BTAS being self-sufficient in this educational
area, and after extended discussion with a few individuals, I and delighted to
announce the following;


Club Coaching Course

Wednesday 6th + Thursday 7th August

Wednesday 10am- 5:00pm, Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm (all times to be confirmed)

Derwent City BC

Holly Simmons (BA) + possible others



Registration for
this course is by electronic version only (using the Bowls Connect system).


here to enrol.

Steve Tomlin