Volunteers required for Bowls Tasmania Social Bowls Working Group
The Board of Bowls Tasmania has set up a working group to look at Social Bowls, and how it can support clubs that need help in this area. The result could be a video, booklet pamphlet or a series of pamphlets offering tips and suggestions on how to run all types of social bowls (club competitions, barefoot bowls, corporate events, school competitions etc.).
Bowls Tasmania is looking for one or two volunteers to join the working group – ideally one volunteer from a city club and another one from a county club.
Expressions of interest in joining the working group must be in writing and close on Friday 19 April 2024.
For further information on the working group, please contact Bowls Tasmania CEO Rob McGuire on exec@bowlstasmania.com.au or on 0447 722 128.