Congratulations to our Tasmanian members of the Open Jackaroos Pathways program who were presented with their Bowls Australia Pathways uniforms at Kings Meadows yesterday – pictured left to right are Lachie Sims, Taelyn Male, Chris Dudman (Bowls Australia’s Pathways Coach Tasmania), Lauren Banks, Will Coad and Isaac Maughan (Missing were Mikayla Gibson and Jorja Maughan). Senior members of the Bowls Australia High Performance team were on hand to make the presentations and conduct specialised on the green training with our emerging players who have been identified as potential Australian players of the future. The Pathways program aims to identify and work with athletes who are striving to represent Australia at future Commonwealth Games, World Bowls Championships and other international events. On the green training continued for our Pathways players at Kings Meadows today.