Bowls Australia – Disaster Relief Fund
In the wake of the extremely sad news about the recent South Australian and Western Australian bushfires, Bowls Tasmania was saddened to hear that the devastating fires have impacted on our Bowls clubs and members. We wish a speedy recovery to all of these clubs and members, along with all of those affected by the tragedy.
As with past natural disasters, including bushfires in Victoria and floods in Queensland and New South Wales, Bowls Australia’s Disaster Relief Fund will aim to assist those club affected by these terrible events. The fund has helped around 50 clubs recover from natural disasters since its’ inception in 2011, in conjunction with our State and Territory Associations. 100% of all donated funds will be used to assist clubs affected by this and other disasters.
For more information, including how to donate and funding application forms and more details about how the fund is managed, please click here to visit our Disaster Relief Fund page.
We thank you for your support of those affected.