Bowls Tasmania team up with Good Sports

by admin on August 2, 2015

Register as a Good Sports Club now:  
Bowls Tasmania and The Australian Drug Foundation’s Good Sports program are working together to safeguard the future of your club and to assist you in attracting new members and sponsors.  Once you’ve registered your club, a Good Sports Project Officer will contact you to arrange a convenient time to meet with you to progress the club through the Good Sports accreditation levels.
 As part of the Good Sports program, clubs work through three levels of accreditation that identify a range of areas for improving policies and practices including alcohol and tobacco management, safe transport and alcohol-alternative fundraising strategies.
 This assists clubs to:
· Increase and diversify revenue.
· Strengthen grant and sponsorship opportunities.
· Increase membership.
· Increase female and junior participation.
· Generate community support and respect.
Some of the mutually beneficial outcomes include:
· Local community sporting clubs managing alcohol responsibly.
· More trained and educated volunteers via Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) courses and Club Liquor Licensing Seminars.
· Reduced problems of alcohol misuse and alcohol related harm in the community.
· Improved management of risk by sporting clubs & reduced risk of litigation.
· Enhanced family atmosphere at club venues.
· Safer & healthier environments for community members to participate and visit
31% of all Tasmanian bowls clubs are currently participating in the program and Bowls Tasmania is committed to working with Good Sports over the next 12 months to ensure that at least 50% of Tasmanian bowls clubs are Good Sports accredited by June 30, 2016.  Bowls Tasmania thoroughly endorses the Good Sports program due to its clear alignment with the Bowls Tasmania Strategic Plan 2014 – 2018 and has identified that it will contribute to the continued growth and sustainability of the sport in Tasmania in the areas of participation, high Performance, commercial development, communication, leadership and governance.
Please register at Good Sports now:  
You can also visit Good Sports to find out more about the program:

For more information contact;
Rebecca Van Asch
Executive Officer