by Rebecca Van Asch on March 24, 2020

Bowls Tasmania understands that this is an incredibly difficult time for our Bowling Members, our Clubs and our Regions.  We are here to support each of you as much as we can through this process.

We understand that this will be a trying period for our Clubs in these unprecedented times.  Please know that Bowls Tasmania is here to offer as much assistance as we can and to try and keep you as informed as possible with all of the latest relevant Government information; including all regulations for licensed premises and all funding or stimulus opportunities that might be available for your Club.

If you require any further assistance that is not covered here then please contact us directly and we will work with you as much as we can.

Bowls Tasmania CEO Rebecca Van Asch: 0447 722 128

Regional Bowls Manager Alan Eadie: 0427 150 918

Please ensure you are up to date with the latest Government Regulations which includes the full closure of all licensed premises.  You can read about that HERE

Useful Information

AGM & Auditors Reports

Bowls Australia’s Recommendations

Business Vehicle Registration Relief Package

Employer Assistance (Wages)

Information for Older Australians

Local Councils across Tasmania (Council’s relief packages up dated as received)

Mental Health Support

Stimulus Packages for Small Business – Tasmania Specific

Stimulus & Support for Tasmania – updated 26 Mar 2020 4:35pm

Small Business – Cash Flow Assistance Federal Government

Small Business – Hardship Grant Tasmania

Venue Closure Information